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Speaking Effectively

A key aspect of leadership is being able to reach out and connect with people just by speaking. Excellent leaders develop effective skills for communicating with their teams, colleagues, stake-holders, government, the media, and the public at large. We tend to think of "a good speaker" as someone who addresses a crowd with charisma. But good speaking skills have everyday uses and everyday benefits regardless of the crowds.

GWLI offers skill development in the following areas:

  • Understanding the elements of effective communication: speaking, thinking, and listening.

  • Analyzing your audience: who are these people? Why are they here? What do they expect of me? What do they want to know?

  • Preparation: getting ready before hand - you, your message, your environment.

  • Packaging your message for maximum impact: knowing and organizing your information unequivocally and consistently so it makes sense for you, your audience and the message.

  • Using audio-visual support effectively -and it is just that: support, not the main act!

  • Creating flair: combining head, heart, and humour to drive home your message.

  • "Working the moment:" how to adapt the prepared presentation to the reality of the speaking environment you are in right now.

  • Making it inter-active: communication is a two-way street - how to ensure this, even when speaking to hundreds of people.

  • Addressing the hostile audience: not everyone is your friend, or wants to hear what you have to say, yet you must say it anyway in a way that they can hear it!

  • Managing the Q&A session: getting the most out of your audience, and yourself. Q&A "make or break" your communication experience, or just be wasted.

  • Requesting and accepting feedback: yes, leaders need this more than ever - from up, down and sideways. Can you handle it?

  • Handling the inter-personal communications: after you've "wowed" thousands there will still be individuals - going from macro to micro with ease.

Want to be a better leader? Become a better communicator!

We will tailor our programs to meet your needs.


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