Leadership Is In Transition
Group Works Leadership Institute (GWLI) is a virtual space
where paradigm pioneers from anywhere in the world choose
to share the experience of expanding their leadership horizons.
Everyone has some level of leadership skill and everyone
can expand his or her leadership horizons when their energy
follows their intention. This happens in the atmosphere you
find at GWLI - inspiring, fun and instructive.
Society has begun to realize that the concept of leadership
is in transition. This is driven to a great degree by the
many ways in which we collect, combine, analyze, exchange
and apply information and knowledge, and also how these have
been transformed by the convergence of information technology,
computers, telecommunications, radio, television and the
Internet. The world-wide-web (www) is the harbinger of a
new age.
Leadership from the top is having to shift to the concept
of leadership from throughout. Old concepts about leaders
dashing into the fray, spouting slogans or cajoling crowds
are being replaced by the courage it takes for a person to
stand up and declare with the confidence of real skills and
knowledge that things can be different. It is a reaching
out to principles that make sense, save time, empower all,
lower strain, spread benefit and set an example. Leadership
expands when permitted to blossom. While blossoming is resplendent
in every natural springtime, it is in some corners of our
society a forgotten art that GWLI would like to see flourish.
GWLI presents you with a well-thought-out, professionally
honed array of Transformational Leadership Skills, learning
networks and access to paradigm pioneers. People are already
exploring and participating in the opportunities to expand
their leadership horizons. They're enhancing their skills,
and the activities and themes they bring contribute to the
exhilaration of realized human potential.